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When Do Anxiety and Depression Require Professional Help?

Jan 12, 2023
How do you know if you’re just having a bad week or if it’s something more than that? Do your anxious and depressive episodes need professional help? We go over if and when it’s time to seek help for your mental health.

Do you struggle with persistent feelings of worry or sadness? If so, you might be dealing with anxiety or depression, or maybe even both. Lots of people living in the United States struggle with these mental health conditions — up to one-third of the population, in fact. 

But how do you know the difference between having a bad week and needing professional help for your mental health?

Katherine Go, CRNA and the rest of our team at Rejuvenate IV Therapy know that mental health can be complex, and understanding it fully can be tricky. Here, we explain anxiety and depression and how to know when to seek treatment for them.

Understanding anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression are both mental health disorders with their own set of symptoms. However, there’s often overlap between the two, and many people find themselves diagnosed with both. Understanding them a little better may help you recognize if you’re dealing with one or both.


It’s normal to feel worried before a big life change or before trying something out for the first time. But if your fear goes beyond these kinds of circumstances, and you find yourself constantly worrying about your relationships with others or your performance at work, you may have an anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders include:

  • Feelings of dread or uneasiness
  • Insomnia
  • Heart palpitations
  • Irritability
  • Nausea or diarrhea

Certain anxiety disorders can also invoke panic attacks, which cause symptoms like chest pain and breathing difficulty.


Many people experience feelings of emptiness and even hopelessness on occasion. However, if feelings of sadness continue to stick around even during positive life events, it could be a sign that you’re struggling with depression. 

These are some common symptoms of depression:

  • Loss of interest in activities you usually enjoy
  • Feelings of guilt and worthlessness
  • Significant changes in sleep habits, weight, and appetite
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Having difficulty concentrating and making decisions

Depression also commonly has physical symptoms like headaches, muscle pain, and indigestion. 

Anxiety and depression have a lot of symptom overlap. They can both affect your sleep, make you feel irritable, and cause gastrointestinal issues. In order for them to be properly treated, it’s vital to seek professional help.

When to seek help

While it’s normal to feel down in the dumps or nervous on occasion, these feelings should go away on their own after a time. However, if these feelings persist or worsen over the course of a few weeks, or if your daily routine starts to be affected, it’s time to seek help. 

Treatment options

Anxiety and depression are usually treated with a combination of medications and therapies. However, Katherine Go and our Rejuvenate IV Therapy team offer a combination of ketamine and vitamin infusions to treat these mental health conditions — especially if they’ve been resistant to previously tried treatments.

Ketamine is able to produce higher levels of glutamate, which is vital for healthy brain function and also creates new neural pathways to give you long-lasting relief from your symptoms.

To learn more about how ketamine and vitamin infusions can help you combat your anxiety and depression, call our Rejuvenate IV Therapy office located in Spring, Texas, at 936-220-3693, or use our online scheduler to request an appointment with us today.