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I’ve Heard That Having Anxiety Is Normal: Is It?

Jan 04, 2024
We’ve all felt anxious from time to time. But, if those heightened stress levels linger, you might start to wonder how “normal” your anxiety really is. We discuss how to know when you’re dealing with anxiety disorder here.

All of us have experienced anxiety at some point in our lives. Stress and general feelings of worry are our bodies’ way of keeping us safe and helping us make good decisions in high stakes situations.

For example, if you have a big presentation at work, you might have feelings of dread and racing negative thoughts along with physical symptoms such as a rapid heartbeat and nausea. While it may feel unpleasant, this “fight-or-flight” response can actually push you to adapt and achieve excellence, and the anxiety symptoms should fade after the situation has passed.

However, sometimes these feelings of anxiety can be intense and last for long periods of time. You may even have elevated stress levels over everyday situations that cause you to avoid these anxiety-inducing circumstances or cut off communication from the outside world. 

So, how do you know when you’re struggling with normal levels of stress and worry or when you have an anxiety disorder that needs treatment? Our team led by Katherine Go, CRNA, at Rejuvenate IV Therapy in Spring, Texas, answers that question here in this blog.

Understanding anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are diagnosed by mental health professionals, and there are certain criteria you have to meet in order to get an official diagnosis. These include things such as:

  • Having anxiety about a large variety of events and activities
  • Feeling anxious more often than not
  • Having anxiety that’s hard to control and hops from topic to topic

In addition, those feelings of anxiety are often accompanied by physical and cognitive symptoms such as restlessness, extreme fatigue, muscle aches, sleeping troubles, impaired concentration, and irritability.

Anxiety disorders can also cause great distress over scenarios that will likely never occur. For example, if you have a fear of heights, you may feel nervous about driving over bridges to the point where you can no longer cross a bridge at all. 

How anxiety disorders can be treated

If you have severe feelings of worry or distress on a regular basis, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional so they can get you started with a treatment that can provide relief. 

They can give you some ideas on how to reduce anxiety through techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, journaling, and yoga. You can also discuss other treatment methods such as anti-anxiety medications or talk therapy (psychotherapy).

However, if you’d like to avoid taking medications, our team at Rejuvenate IV Therapy offers IV therapy and ketamine infusions, which can both help your brain function at its very best and reduce your anxiety symptoms. 

Studies have shown that taking multivitamin supplements — particularly ones that contain magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin C, calcium, and zinc — can help reduce anxiety. 

Unfortunately, when you take a multivitamin in capsule or tablet form, your digestive system absorbs most of the vital nutrients. But, when you get a variety of vitamins and minerals intravenously, the nutrients are placed right into your bloodstream, making sure you get optimal amounts.

Ketamine is a drug that’s been used for many years as a sedative. However, more recent research has shown that small amounts of it can effectively boost the amount of glutamate in your brain, an important chemical that regulates mood. 

If you’d like to learn how IV therapy and ketamine infusions could help you better manage your anxiety, contact our team to set up a consultation. You can do this by calling us at 936-220-3693 or by booking online.